2020 Berg Group Safety Week Reminder

Good afternoon all!

This week, The Berg Group will be hosting Virtual Safety Week! We have chosen to do virtual safety week rather than our typical safety day in 2020, due to the current circumstances with COVID-19. This method should allow all of us to complete our mandatory safety training, while maintaining social distancing. All of the information and materials you will need for this will be available through the Berg Field Crew App. If you have not already visited this app, you can go to this link: field.berggroup.app . There are instructions below on how to add this site as an ‘app’ on your smart device (like a smartphone or tablet). You can also access this through a laptop or computer by following the website link field.berggroup.app .

On the first day of ‘Virtual Safety Week’, a new icon will be on the homepage of our field crew app – it will say Berg Virtual Safety Week! If you click this icon, it will bring you to our Virtual Safety Week page. You’ll be able to access all the safety training sessions here, as well as learn information about the participation pack prizes, and a raffle that will be taking place as part of Virtual Safety week. Each day, you will have an additional 15 minutes following your lunch break to complete your daily Virtual Safety Week training session. Each day will focus on a new safety topic, you will read and watch information about that day’s safety topic. Each training session will end with a 10-question quiz. Be sure to complete this quiz and press ‘Submit’ at the end of the quiz, everyday! The quiz portion is how we will be tracking who is completing their safety training. These training sessions will have a ‘translation’ option on each text or quiz section, be sure to select your preferred language at the top of each page as you complete the training. These training sessions are mandatory, so please complete them in a timely manner. If for any reason you fall behind on your training for one or more days, be sure to catch up and complete all trainings by the end of the week. In addition to getting the participation pack for completing your daily trainings, each day you complete the training session, you will be entered into the week-long raffle. Our sponsors have donated a variety of tools, bags, giftcards and other cool prizes that you can win in the raffle! Winners will be posted the following week on the Virtual Safety Week page.


If you have any questions prior to or during virtual safety week, please direct them to Dave Derzab or Hunter Perreira. Thanks for helping us all be #safewithBerg in 2020!