Forms- Good Catch/Near Miss and Training Incentive

One of the most important ways we can promote and improve our safety practices and culture as a company is to learn from mistakes and near misses. As part of our effort to do so, we are beginning to implement the use of a good catch/near miss form. If you recognize a potential hazard before it happens, work with your foreman and other trades to correct it, and then fill out the good catch near miss form. This helps us as a company to grow and improve so that we do not have to wait until someone gets hurt to learn an important lesson. The same thing goes for a near miss. If you see something happened that could’ve resulted in an accident in different circumstances, fill out the same form so that we can work to prevent a similar incident in the future. Link:(


Another way we are trying to improve safety on our projects, is through promoting safety training among our field employees. To do so, we have started a training incentive. Those who receive outside safety training can submit their name and information into a drawing for the possibility of winning a $100 gift card. Examples of this training include CPR, AED, OSHA 10, OSHA 30, and others. If you have questions, ask your foreman or safety manager for more information about this exciting new program. Link: (

Both forms can be found on the Berg Field-Crew app. We look forward to working alongside you as we continue to improve our company safety culture!