MEWP Familiarization


MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms) FAMILIARIZATION

All properly trained personnel who are directed and authorized to operate an aerial work platforms shall ensure, prior to use, that they are familiarized with the aerial platform to be used unless they have been provided with familiarization on the same model.

Machine specific familiarization is required in addition to formalized general aerial work platform training and shall include the following:

 The location of the weather resistant storage compartment for manual(s) storage

 Confirming that all required manuals are in the storage compartment

 The purpose and function of all controls and

 Knowledge of the safety devices and operating characteristics of the machine being operated.

Familiarization or training is not an option – you need both!

The ANSI A92.6 standard has a definition for familiarization that clearly differentiates it from training. Training is the instruction necessary to enable a trainee to become a qualified person in the task to be performed, including the recognition of potential hazards. Familiarization is the information regarding the control functions and safety devices on a specific aerial work platform to be operated by a qualified person (trained operator).


Familiarization is required on any MEWP that is
significantly different to the MEWP trained on,
 Weight;
 Height;
 Length;
 Complexity – controls, safety systems,
overload system, restricted working
envelope, etc.

Before operating the machine, the operator must:
 Understand the controls
 Know the MEWP working limits
 Understand the emergency descent systems


If you need additional training or Familiarization on a specific MEWP, Please contact your direct supervisor or Safety Coordinator for further instruction.  Do not attempt to operate a MEWP if you are not properly trained to do so and are familiar with the machine.