05/28/2021Toolbox Talk Avoiding Back Injuries Jokes about nagging back pain get standup comedians a lot of laughs, but back strains and sprains are not at all funny, […]
05/24/2021Toolbox Talk WEAR YOUR SEATBELT WEAR YOUR SEATBELT Thousands of people, apparently believing themselves immune to the laws of physics, die each day as a result of […]
05/14/2021Toolbox Talk HOUSEKEEPING ON CONSTRUCTION SITES HOUSEKEEPING ON CONSTRUCTION SITES Picture your construction site in your mind. Construction sites can be busy and hectic with many workers and […]
05/10/2021Toolbox Talk The Proper Shoe for the job FOOT SAFETY – ITS A SHOE IN FOR SAFETY The foot is something that doesn’t get much attention unless there is a […]
05/03/2021Toolbox Talk National Safety Stand-Down Week Fall Protection It may seem that a job can be performed more efficiently without spending the time to protect against falls. However, […]
04/23/2021Toolbox Talk Avoiding Heat Stress Working in Hot Conditions We work in Extreme conditions from time to time and need to recognize and understand the signs of […]
04/15/2021Toolbox Talk AVOIDING SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS AVOIDING SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE Watch your step! We’ve all heard this many times. But it’s so easy […]
04/09/202104/09/2021Toolbox Talk Bloodborne Pathogens What are Bloodborne Pathogens? Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) are microorganisms that can cause disease when transferred from an infected person to another person […]
03/26/2021Toolbox Talk Stop the Spread of COVID-19 (Reminder) As a construction worker, how can I protect myself and slow the spread? Potential sources of exposure include having close contact with […]
03/22/2021Toolbox Talk Firearm Policy The possession of a firearm of any kind while inside a Berg building or leased space, on company property, inside a company-owned vehicle, or […]