Heat Illness Prevention Hardhat Sticker

Revisiting a recent topic, Berg has rolled out a new Hardhat sticker in an effort to raise awareness among our crews about heat illness. Encourage your crew to wear this new sticker on their hardhats and to implement the principles on it.

Preventing heat illness is the most effective way to stay safe in the heat. Drinking plenty of water, avoiding sugary drinks, resting as needed, and keeping an eye on your partner for signs of heat illness will be the most important steps in preventing heat illnesses.

Next, knowing what to look for will be a big help in catching a problem with heat illness before it gets worse. Symptoms of heat exhaustion are: fatigue, nausea, dizziness, heavy sweating, irritability, and high body temp. Heat stroke symptoms include:Look for feelings of confusion, slurred speech, hot but dry skin, high body temperature, and a quick heart rate. It is important that those working in the heat understand what effect heat illnesses can have.

The final part of being prepared to handle the heat is knowing what to do when someone is showing signs of heat illness. At Berg we have a great support structure. If you notice yourself or a coworker showing signs of heat illness, notify your foremen and then your safety professional. They will coordinate appropriate treatment. If one person is showing signs of heat illness, it is likely that others may be in a similar situation. Check in with other members of your crew and make sure that they are doing ok.

Keep these important ideas in mind, learn more on your own, and get ready, summer is here!