Remember to never carry heavy loads while working on stilts
Never modify or adjust your stilts in anyway other than suggested by the manufacturer.
Always wear the correctly sized stilts for the job.
Always wear the appropriately sized stilts for you.
Never run or walk fast on stilts.
Never over extend or reach for objects from stilts that are on ground level.
Never take steps that are large enough that the action springs bottom out.
Never lean over items while wearing stilts.
Never walk on benches, planks, scaffolding, steps and stools.
Never walk in areas were cords and wires are on the walking surface.
Always pre-inspect a work area for trip hazards prior to working. House
Never wear stilts that are damaged.
Never wear stilts on uneven floors and surfaces.
Never walk around open stairwells and or holes.
Always inspect your stilts before daily use.
***Remember to be aware of your surroundings when working from stilts. We can prevent falls by staying alert and following the above rules!