08/08/2022Toolbox Talk Nobody is good at texting and driving Motor vehicle crashes result in a significant amount of injuries and fatalities both on and off of the job. Employees should take […]
08/01/2022Toolbox Talk Safe Handling of Materials Taking care of your body is essential to mitigating wear and tear. Workers suffer many painful injuries because they forget or are […]
07/27/2022Toolbox Talk TAKE TIME TO PLAN AND WORK SAFELY Each day we come to work and put our time in and go home. We often become complacent and forget that our […]
07/18/2022Toolbox Talk Working from Stilts Remember to never carry heavy loads while working on stilts Never modify or adjust your stilts in anyway other than suggested by […]
07/07/2022Toolbox Talk Situational Awareness At Berg, we face a high paced and rapidly changing work environments. Having or lacking situational awareness can determine whether or not […]
06/30/202206/30/2022Toolbox Talk Cut Glove At Berg, we work with unfinished material, power tools, knives, and many other sharp edges. Without the use of our hands, not […]
06/24/202206/27/2022Toolbox Talk Rock Carts One of the tools that makes our lives easier are our rock carts. They help us move sheets more quickly, efficiently, and […]
06/20/2022Toolbox Talk Housekeeping Good housekeeping is not normally thought about when considering workplace safety, but it can have a significant effect on a person’s ability […]
06/10/2022Toolbox Talk Heat Illness Prevention Hardhat Sticker Revisiting a recent topic, Berg has rolled out a new Hardhat sticker in an effort to raise awareness among our crews about […]
06/07/2022Toolbox Talk Hearing Protection On a jobsite there are a hundred sounds at any given time. Those sounds include use of hand tools, running equipment, shouted […]